We're a couple who turned storytelling into a multi six-figure venture. Big on community, freedom and this wisdom of Wendell Berry! Our mission? Help wedding photographers raise their rates and book more (without the burnout)!
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Most photographers ignore marketing their offerings OUTSIDE of making images.
They just focus on creating more and better work. Shoot after shoot.
Then the holidays roll around…
Black Friday
And after a year of not talking about:
the value of an album
the importance of archive quality prints
the magic of museum grade frames
they offer a sale. And guess what….
Here’s the thing…
Pic-Time isn’t going to make you sell products.
If you want to serve your couples with heirlooms that will contribute to:
their home their legacy and their joy of sharing their story with family and friends
You have to give them opportunities to WANT what it is you’re offering.
If they don’t understand:
the quality of your albums, the difference between pro & consumer products, the value of your expert guidance, and the impact of the products will have on their story…
Literally….why would they buy from you???
Remember this: marketing isn’t always asking people to BUY from you.
Marketing is…
Getting people to KNOW what you offer.
LIKE what you offer
and TRUST that it’s something valuable for their life
Instead of first asking your clients to BUY from you, give them a reason to desire what you offer. Not just in features like lay flat binding and linen covers, but the emotional impact of:
looking through an album with their grandmother
telling stories to their future kids as they thumb through prints
and remembering their vows every night when they see the framed print above their bed
You are not just selling products.
A business roadmap for wedding photographers who long for proven systems to grow and maximize profits without burning out - all in a self-paced program backed by experience and success stories of photographers just like you
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